Wank Wednesday :: Echo

Today’s prompt for Word Ejeculation’s Wank Wednesday is Echo. The following ficlet is decidedly on the filthy side. 18+ only, please.


We’re only halfway through the salad course when you get restless. Your thighs shift and your little fingers fiddle with the silverware, drumming idly on the tabletop. And then on me. Taps against my knee and a hand on my thigh – your breath in my ear when you lean in closer than you need to.

I’m hard before the soup arrives.

The last time we had to go to one of these things, we fucked in a closet while your dad was in the hallway. You giggled when I came and couldn’t help but pant your name, and then we stood there, not moving, hardly breathing until the old bastards walked away.

This place has a lot more options.

Finally, when they clear the plates away, before the first old, rich guy can head up to the podium, you brush your knuckles against my cock. “Bathroom. Five minutes.”

I grab your wrist before you can walk away. “Which one?”

“You know.”

When your eyebrow arches like that, it makes me so crazy, wanting you.

Four minutes and thirty seconds later, I’m upstairs, clicking the door behind me and turning the lock. You’re standing there, up against the counter, chardonnay in hand, watching yourself in the mirror. You don’t react to me. Not visibly.

I come to stand behind you, rub myself against your ass and slide my hands up your thighs. You love this dress, so I try to be good to it. I push it up smoothly, try hard not to wrinkle it. I kiss your neck and touch you higher.

“Put the wine down.”

You make a point of taking another slow sip before you do, and then your hands are braced against the countertop. You stick your ass out, and you’re not wearing any underwear.

“The speeches will be starting soon.”

I unzip and press myself against your flesh. “Does that mean you want me to fuck you faster or slower?”

“Fast. Wouldn’t want to miss it.”

Like hell you wouldn’t.

I don’t argue though, just pull back and nudge your legs apart, and then I’m inside. You’re silent but for little breaths, and if your pussy weren’t slick as hell  — if I didn’t know you so well — I’d think you weren’t into it at all. But you are. I rub your clit and push and push, and you stand there, just barely sliding back to meet me.

All the sounds in the room are mine. Like always. Every grunt and every murmured, “Fuck,” and, “You feel so fucking good.” They echo on the fixtures, on the tiles and on the walls. It’s why you like to fuck here. I know it is.

You like to hear me come undone.

When I do, it’s with a low curse and your name, and you’re coming too, hard and clenching and so tight around me as I fill you up.

Afterward, you straighten your dress and pick your wine back up. “Thanks, lover.” You kiss my cheek and leave a lipstick mark.

While you’re heading back downstairs, I try to decide if I want to remove the little crimson smudge or not.

In the end, I leave it where it is

Read more Wank Wednesday fills at Word Ejaculation. Thanks to the lovely @msfictional for supplying the visuals.


  1. Very exciting! Who can’t relate to sneaking away from some social event to engage in a little naughty fun?

  2. Sex and arousing, our ideal fantasy. Well written.

  3. Hmmm I love this story, thanks for playing along Jeanette.

  4. I do so love quick rendez-vous!

  5. Mmmm….. that was very hot! Phew!

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