Take What You Want Cover Reveal!

I may have kind-of sort-of spilled the beans about my next Samhain release on Twitter the other day, but here’s making it official! Take What You Want, a contemporary, erotic, category-length romance by yours truly is coming to an e-reader near you this coming spring. The timing is particularly appropriate, considering the book is all about Spring Break and not getting to go where you want to for it — but ending up finding exactly what you needed anyway.

Anyway, here’s a look at the gorgeous cover:

College senior Ellen Price spends every spare minute studying to get into medical school. Until spring break yawns before her, as empty as her wallet.

With no money to hit the beach, she fills her empty to-do list with a plan: for just one week, she will become the kind of take-no-prisoners woman she secretly wishes to be, starting with the hot guy at the bar. It’s a no-risk situation: at the end of break, he’ll head back to his campus, and she’ll go back to hers. No muss, no fuss.

At first, Josh Markley isn’t sure what to think when the quiet, intense beauty from his pre-med classes approaches him for a night of casual sex. Even more mystifying, she doesn’t seem to return his recognition. But if she wants to play “strangers in a bar”, he’s game.

Their passionate night is a welcome respite from life’s stress, but afterward, Josh realizes he wants more—from himself, from life, from Ellen. Except she still thinks he’s a one-off she’ll never see again. Confessing the truth now—before she figures it out on her own—could shatter the fragile beginnings of just what the doctor ordered. A forever love.

It’s available for pre-order from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

That’s it for news right now. I know I’ve been awfully scarce around here lately, but settling into our new home in upstate New York has been a bit more consuming than I’d expected. If you’re missing my ramblings, I am still blogging regularly at Bad Girlz Write – catch me there every other Thursday.

Hugs and kisses,


  1. Congrats! The cover is beautiful and the story sounds like it’s going to be hot!

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