My Sexy Saturday: Shower Time Fun from Take What You Want

For ages now, I’ve been thinking about how much I miss Six Sentence Sunday – that sadly long-gone blog hop where people posted six sentences from a book or manuscript every Sunday. Then lo and behold, last week I discovered a new take on the old, awesome theme: My Sexy Saturday.

The rules are that participants post seven spicy words, sentences or paragraphs, and we all get to enjoy the snippets.

My sampling today comes from my March release, Take What You Want. In it, we find our hero and heroine getting dirty while getting clean:

Take What You Want by Jeanette GreyHis gaze still burning, he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her up, slamming his mouth against hers the second she was standing. “You are…” he mumbled between kisses, “the sexiest…most dangerous woman…”


“God, yes.”

Her back hit the wall of the shower, and then he was on his knees, hands holding her hips to the tile and lips sucking at her inner thigh. Eyes on hers the entire time, he picked up her right leg and hung it over his shoulder, spreading her.

“Hold on to me,” he urged, and then his face was buried between her legs.

 Available from: Amazon – Barnes & Noble – Samhain

Be sure to check out all the other My Sexy Saturday authors, too!

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  1. Can you say sizzling?!? Wow…was that hot…thanks for sharing that snippet, Jeanette.

    And I want to welcome you to My Sexy Saturday. I think we can all have some fun with this!

  2. Whew! Now that’s hot! And wet! LOL.

    I remember the days of the six sentence sundays. I miss it too.


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